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Introducing Carrie Tutte of Rosa HR, Plymouth.

If you are looking for someone compassionate that offers practical, flexible and appropriate HR support, Carrie Tutte of Rosa HR in Plymouth, comes highly recommended by many.

I worked with Carrie at a busy Devon television production company in our pre-parenting days and it always struck me how she managed to have a consistent warm demeanour, was generous with her time, empathetic to employees and yet supportive to management. We are in very difficult times for businesses large and small and getting the right advice to best serve you and your employees is imperative. Our current climate could be the making or breaking of you financially and finding the appropriate practical and yet sensitive support through it, is vital.

Firstly, tell us about you!

I am Plymouth born and bred!

I moved away for University to study business and that is where the love of people management and HR started.

I self-funded my CIPD when I got back to Plymouth, which is the professional qualification for HR Management and then secured various HR roles across many different industry sectors. This gave me huge insight as I started my HR career.

Aside from Rosa, I am a wife, mother, and closet popstar! I love music, theatre, the outdoors and socializing.

What is the story behind Rosa HR?

The company name is actually my middle name, and that of my grandmother, so seemed right. To be honest, the company name gave me a headache, but eventually I concluded that people buy people, and the name is important, but not the be all and end all!

My most recent employed post was as HR Manager for a private hospital with 200 staff. Following a period of restructure at the hospital, redundancy was an option for me and so after toying with the idea of setting up my own Consultancy for several years, I finally took the plunge and began Rosa HR.

What drives you? Has it changed over the years?

Good question! I think I have always been quietly ambitious where my career is considered. I knew I loved HR from the get-go, and that was the direction I was heading, but as time went on and I had my family, which was absolutely always on my agenda, my focus changed. Now, as my children are 9 and 11 years old, I find myself focusing more on myself again, and that ambition and drive for a career has returned. Nothing beats the buzz of securing a client; I don’t think that’ll ever change for me! I want to feel satisfied that I am achieving my potential and doing my bit for my family and the business world to boot.

“Carrie is a real go to manager with a natural style and a real wealth of knowledge”.

Matron, Nuffield Health Plymouth Hospital

What makes Rosa HR unique?

Without blowing my own trumpet (!) I think it’s me! There are a lot of HR Consultant’s and we all have more or less the same service offering but what makes Rosa different is me. I offer a hands-on, energetic and commercially minded service to my clients. I adapt to different industries and always carry out my work with positivity and a smile.

How would you describe the way you work?

The starting point is always getting to the know the employer, the business, understanding their challenges and plans for the future. Once I know them and their plans that’s when I can add real value to their business through their people.

An initial free HR audit is generally completed on site and then an action plan determines the next steps. Zoom has played a big part during lockdown, and some clients I have yet to meet face to face due to the restrictions but that hasn’t got in the way of getting the job done! I love nothing more than a client visit as I am a people person at heart.

Do your personal life philosophies support how you operate your business?

Definitely. I have spent time working out what my own values are and like to work in a way where these are not compromised. Integrity is key when working in HR and with people. My family are at the centre of everything I do, and my business currently fits neatly around their needs. Right now the balance feels good.

Lets talk staff Well-being!

People work better when they are happy! Engaged and happy workers are more likely to be committed and productive, and this will show in everything that they do.

Stress and poor mental well-being are among the leading cases of absence. Presenteeism (people coming into work when they are ill) and leaveism (working during time off) none of which is good news for employers of their teams. The CIPD 2020 Health and Well-Being at work survey report, found that three-fifths of organisations had seen an increase in reported common mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, among employees in the past 12 months. This has led to a growing recognition of the need for employer well-being practices to address the psychosocial, as well as the physical aspects of health and well-being.

My best advice is to check in with your teams from time to time, if you think there may be an issue talk to them. It is important that employers have their ear to the ground, know their staff, and look out for their welfare. Tell them if they’ve done a good job! Lead by example and promote healthy working habits. Review workloads, duties and responsibilities regularly. A well being policy is a good start for employers, it shows a commitment to their team and in turn their business.

How are you adapting for the current ongoing Covid situation?

Zoom! I’ve been quite busy with restructures, redundancies and the dreaded ‘furlough’. Keeping up with the ever-changing government guidance was a challenge but so far so good! I am also working with clients that are growing their businesses which is really great to see in these difficult times.

10. Why are you passionate about Rosa HR and what are your hopes and dreams for its future?

People matter! I love my company, I set it up from scratch and it is a success. I am passionate about business, and love to support those local to me. I have deliberately kept Rosa small so I can balance work and home, but my plans for it’s future are to grow, add more services, possibly some online, and to keep collaborating with like minded people for the benefit of us all.

If you would like further information from Carrie at Rosa, she can be contacted at:

Tel: 07866 703692


Issue 5 ~  Autumn '22
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